The Virtual Interfaith Peacemaker Team Training will be held on four Saturdays in 3-hour-long sessions. Class sessions will be augmented by video lessons and other assignments in between.
The purpose of the training is to build Interfaith Peacemaker Teams in local contexts where the trainees live.
The training includes skills in getting clarity around self-interest, building power through one-on-one relationships, interfaith dialogue and collaboration, and strategically engaging in actions on urgent, relevant and winnable issues of justice and peace that arise from the ground.
For more information, please sign up using the form on the right.
Those who have completed their virtual Interfaith Peacemaker Team trainings are invited to participate in a Virtual IP Team Network. The Network meets at least once in three months on Zoom. It is exploring how to address a "thin-sliced" issue that is urgent, relevant and winnable, that arises from ground-up.
Some members have established IP Teams in their local communities.
OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership
5001 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60615, USA