OMNIA's predecessor organization SCUPE's Congress on Urban Ministry on the theme "Peacemaking in a Culture of Violence" issued this "Call to Be Peacemakers." The Co-convenors of the congress were, Rev. James Forbes and Fr. Michael Pfleger.
OMNIA's predecessor organization SCUPE's Congress on Urban Ministry, on the theme "Together Building a Just Economy: A Manifesto for People of Faith" adopted this call to action.
OMNIA compiled this resource for use by IP Team members to talk to religious leaders about how they can teach their congregations about Covid-19 hygiene. In Nigeria, teams of Nursing School students and IP Team members traveled to 24 villages speaking to religious leaders. Many said, this was more effective than the information the government provided.
OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership
5001 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60615, USA