Togo IP Teams Dig Up a Bumper Harvest of Cassava

Togo IP Teams have invested in a 7.5 acre community farm, which has become a lifeline. They grow cassava for food and groundnuts (for extracting oil)  as a cash crop. Despite not having rain for over 6 months, they dug up a bumper harvest of cassava, since that is a climate resilient crop. In the picture are some of the IP Team members with some of the cassava that they dug up.

Togo IP Teams Dig Up a Bumper Harvest of Cassava

Make Peace Work

Interfaith Peacemaker Teams engage the best resources within every community to help turn the tide of extremist violence to create a new season of peaceful cooperation. You can become a team member - through your voice, your involvement, and your financial support!
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OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership 

5001 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL  60615, USA