Governor of Nigeria's Gombe State Gives Award to OMNIA

Gombe, NIGERIA, August 11, 2022. The Governor of Gombe State Alhaj Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, recognized OMNIA's Interfaith Peacemaker Teams for their contribution towards mitigating extremist violence. At a peace and security summit which included security experts and intellectuals from acclaimed security outfits in Nigeria and beyond, teamed up to share ideas and best practices on establishing, maintaining and expanding the frontiers of peaceful coexistence in a region hard-hit by insurgency, banditry and political thuggery. Omnia Institute for Contextual Leadership’s Reverend Abare Kallah was a lead presenter at the summit – where he shared the core mission and vision of the institute and their seamless application to providing a formidable blueprint for long-lasting peace and security within the state.

Governor of Nigeria's Gombe State Gives Award to OMNIA

Make Peace Work

Interfaith Peacemaker Teams engage the best resources within every community to help turn the tide of extremist violence to create a new season of peaceful cooperation. You can become a team member - through your voice, your involvement, and your financial support!
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OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership 

5001 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL  60615, USA